So here we begin our journey celebrating what seems to have fallen out of the limelight in the past couple years due to this wave of "Green" rushing from shore to shore (thanks a lot Al Gore). I'm talking about a healthy plate of MEAT.
Hold on to your shorts boys and make sure you're packing an empty tummy, because this is one you won't soon forget.
Located on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore, Domenico's has been living up to it's slogan by "Serving the Shore since '54." If you haven't figured it out yet by the name this is Italian food, ultimately, the best damn pizza pie you'll ever jam down your gullet, east of Catalina of course.
So hop aboard the WASTED ON STEAK express and visually enjoy what the boys and I have been gastrointestinally enjoying every Tuesday night.
It begins with the preparation some six hours before. Don't eat anything. Maybe an apple, just to keep the blood sugar from dipping to low and subsequently causing you to pass out on the drive up.
If you somehow miraculously make it through the door and to your booth without fainting you will be graciously rewarded with the most perfect basket of bread sticks and focaccia. Accompanying this bundle of baked beauties is a glorious globular dip. What it is, no one knows, but if it were to be put into words it would have to be like eating the brains of an angel. It's that good.
Next up: soup. You have two choices here my friend, Tomato Bisque, and of course the classic Minestrone. The aforementioned being the heartier and thicker of the two, while the latter comes packed to the gills with macaroni shells and veggies. Don't forget to smother it in parmesan cheese and both red and black pepper. You'll thank us later.
This is when things get hectic and if you didn't bring your A-game then you'll just get left behind. I hate to be harsh with you, but that's just the way it is. So if you're here to eat then get ready, because everything before this was just like putting on your sneakers for the marathon, we haven't even gotten to the stretching.
Pastas. Two of them. And they come out at the same time, like a boom and a bang. The boom: Chicken Basil Cream. A generous dish of Penne with creamy Basil and hunks, not chunks, I mean HUNKS of chopped chicken breast sticking out like an exclamation point only to be dotted with slices of mushroom. You can't take your eyes of this picture perfect dish, that is, until the bang comes out. The bang: Sausage Tomato Cream. Rigatoni, that bisque-esque tomato sauce, and a monster sausage diced by the hand of god herself.
Up to bat, three little words: The Gold Standard.
Chicken Alfredo, black olives, tons and tons of garlic, and, I'm not through yet, are you ready for this? You better hold on to your loaf because here it comes, anchovies. Yes I said it. Anchovies. OH MY MAMA! This luscious explosion of flavor can barely stay in your mouth. The melted cheese and Alfredo sauce coat your throat and make way for the roller coaster of garlic, chicken and anchovies, only to be punctuated by the ever present, black olive.
Three more words: The Silver Standard.
We get back to basics with this one, but not all the way. Go ahead and take your ground sausage and decorate it with some sliced pepperoni. Then why don't you help yourself to slivers of fresh red onion and cilantro, and to top it off do yourself a favor and bake that pizza pie with a healthy helping of feta cheese. That's all I have to say about that.
This is where that top button might need to come undone to allow for comfortable breathing. If you've made it this far I commend you my fellow carnivore. But we are not through yet.
Dessert. There are no words.
And so it ends my friends. Another beautiful evening enjoying the little things that life has to offer. Good food and good company.
Oh my. How foolish of me. I forgot to mention while you're enjoying this heavenly meal don't forget to wash it down with four pitchers of the one and only King, Mr. Bud Heavy.
Wasted On Steak
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